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Article 1- Parties to the Agreement:

This agreement is signed by Fatih Sultan Mehmet Mah. Poligon Cad. Buyaka 2 Site 1 Block No:8A Interior Door No: 54 Ümraniye/İstanbul with GOGOCAR BİLİŞİM ANONİM COMPANY (hereinafter referred to as “GOGOCAR”) www.renticar.com is established between a natural or legal person (hereinafter referred to as CUSTOMER) who is a member of the website (hereinafter referred to as the 'SITE'). GOGOCAR and CUSTOMER are referred to as parties together.

The address declared by the parties in this agreement is the legal notification address, unless the change of address is notified in writing, all notices to these addresses will be communicated in accordance with the provisions of the Notification Law and will be considered valid.

Article 2- Subject of the Agreement and Definitions: The subject

Of this agreement is the determination of the procedures and principles to which CUSTOMER is subject to and the mutual rights and obligations of GOGOCAR and CUSTOMER on behalf of the lease of vehicles offered for lease by


This contract is regulated in accordance with the applicable legislation. In the implementation of this agreement, the Law No. 6502 on Consumer Protection, Law No. 6563 on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce, the Regulation on Service Providers and Intermediary Service Providers in Electronic Commerce and the Regulation on Distance Contracts

Specified in this contract;

GOGOCAR: www.renticar.com website owner GOGOCAR A.Ş.

CUSTOMER: A natural or legal person who is a member of the Website with the option of individual or corporate membership to rent a vehicle shall use the CUSTOMER,

Site: www.renticar.com domain website,

Mobile Application: compatible with Ios and Android operating systems belonging to GOGOCAR and the application of the same name,KIOSK and applications

Vehicle: Ownership belongs to the renter and every brand model that can be rented tool,

Supplier: business between them with GOGOCAR Corporate members having the capacity of operating on Vehicles Supplier and Vehicles to the Website and GOGOCAR mobile application under the association,

Agreement: This website refers to the membership agreement.

Article - 3 Provisions of the Convention and Obligations of the Parties 3.1

GOGOCARwww.renticar.com and GOGOCAR Mobile Apps in no way offers car rental services on its behalf and account. GOGOCAR, as previously specified by the Supplier and www.renticarcom with GOGOCAR Mobile Apps databases, features and model vehicles within the limits of price, location, km limit, provides reservation services for CUSTOMER's rental purposes and carries out BROKERAGE ACTIVITIES ONLY in terms of car rental agreement. In this regard, GOGOCAR is obliged to keep all information up-to-date and accurate within the scope of the information provided to it by the Supplier regarding the Vehicles of the Supplier which it offers to the reservation, to forward the reservation and cancellation requests to the Supplier in a timely manner, and to forward the reservation confirmation notifications to Customer in a timely manner. Apart from this, GOGOCAR does not act as a Supplier and does not undertake to hire or insure vehicles to CUSTOMERGOGOCAR is a brokeragecompany that provides reservation services to CUSTOMER for the purpose of establishing a car rental agreement between the Supplier and CUSTOMER for the reservation fee. According to the agreement between the Supplier and GOGOCAR, the standard rental price including VAT is charged to the Supplier name and account by GOGOCAR under the name of the reservation fee from the CUSTOMER; after the service fee (commission) is offset by GOGOCAR in accordance with the agreement between GOGOCAR and the Supplier, the car rental fee is deposited to the Supplier. GOGOCAR is obliged to transmit CUSTOMER's car rental requests to CUSTOMER in the capacity of operation/maliki of the vehicle; and to collect the rental (reservation) fees that CUSTOMER is obliged to pay to the Supplier to the Supplier's name and account.

Additional services, insurance policies and collateral (deposit) costs that are excluded from the standard rental fee are determined by the terms of the agreement between the Supplier and the CUSTOMER.

Membership is completed by performing the registration process by fulfilling the membership procedure specified on the site by the person wishing to become a member. CUSTOMER, by becoming a member, agrees to the provisions of this Agreement and any declaration described or subsequently disclosed by GOGOCAR regarding membership and services.

For security reasons, GOGOCAR will be able to monitor and register any activity of CUSTOMER on the site and, when deemed necessary, take any action such as removal from the site, membership freeze, membership cancellation and so on.

GOGOCAR may modify the site's format and content partially or completely without prior notice to CUSTOMER, as well as modify the domain name on which the site publishes, use different subdomains, redirect the domain name and/or close the domain name.

GOGOCAR may, at any time and without reason, modify the scope and range of services offered on the site without prior notice to CUSTOMER, and may freeze, terminate or completely cancel the services offered on the site in part or in whole. Such a state of termination shall not result in non-fulfillment of obligations formed until the moment this notice is made.

CUSTOMER acknowledges and declares that the identity, driver's license, address and contact information specified in the membership transactions are complete and accurate, that if there is a change in its information, it will immediately transmit this information to GOGOCAR and that it will only be responsible for any legal disputes and damages that may arise due to incomplete, out-of-date or incorrect information.

For this reason, no liability and/or defect arising may be assigned to GOGOCAR.

CUSTOMER, while benefiting from the services specified on the site, will act in accordance with the laws of T.C. and the general code of morality, will not engage in acts of insults, threats, slander, harassment, etc. and will not engage in political or ideological propaganda, will not engage in behaviors that offend other CUSTOMERS, will abstain from any behavior that spoils persons or institutions and accept that it will avoid any action that may cause disruption or interruption of the services provided on the site, otherwise it will be personally liable for any damages that will occur and commits

CUSTOMER accepts and undertakes that it will not infringe the rights of third parties under their intellectual and industrial rights, that third parties will respect the copyrights, will not engage in unfair competition and respect the commercial secrets and private lives of third parties.

CUSTOMER agrees and declares that he will use a password that cannot be easily predicted by others when using the site, will not share username, password, etc. information with others, and that he will be personally and solely responsible for its security, and that GOGOCAR will not be responsible in any way.

CUSTOMER agrees and declares that it will only use its membership account, will not use the account information of other members and will not open its membership account for the use of others and will not transfer its membership, otherwise if determined by GOGOCAR, its membership may be cancelled and will personally indemnify any damages arised/arising.

CUSTOMER acknowledges and undertakes that it will not send malicious programs, software, code and similar material to the site, and will refrain from any action that could compromise the security of the site and its members.

The presentation and all content of the Site are protected by intellectual property legislation and all information and data published on this site, especially all trademarks, logos and service marks, belong to GOGOCAR or related persons.

CUSTOMER may not distribute, transmit, modify, copy, view, reproduce, publish, process or otherwise use the content of the Site, directly or indirectly, directly or indirectly, without the written consent of GOOCAR, or allow anyone else to access or use the services of the Site.Otherwise, GOGOCAR will be liable to pay to CUSTOMER GOGOCAR any amount of compensation claimed by GOGOCAR for any damages caused by third parties, including, but not limited to, any damages incurred by GOGOCAR, including, but not limited to, any damages incurred by GOGOCAR. All articles, graphics, images and images on the site are all rights reserved and cannot be saved without permission.

Under the Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce, CUSTOMER has given consent to the sending of commercial electronic messages to the contact addresses that are currently in GOGOCAR or will provide in the future. Commercial messages with data, audio and video content for any commercial purpose, including but not limited to commercial electronic messages for modification, use and maintenance of the goods or services provided, may be sent electronically using telephone, call centers, fax, automatic dialing machines, intelligent voice recorder systems, electronic mail, text message service.The CUSTOMER has the right to leave these submissions free of charge at any time and not to receive messages for marketing and informational purposes.

Article- 4 Dispute Resolution The courts and enforcement offices of Istanbul

(Anatolia) are authorized in disputes arising from this contract.

This Agreement is a website membership agreement entered into between GOGOCAR and CUSTOMER and GOGOCAR does not carry the title of party in terms of legal disputes arising from the rental of vehicles subject to reservation. GOGOCAR is not the legal Supplier and/or operator and/or maliki and/or tenant and/or sub-tenant of the vehicles subject to the reservation. GOGOCAR is in a position to mediate the rental of vehicles subject to reservation, and legal disputes arising from the car rental agreement entered into between the CUSTOMER and the Supplier shall be directed to the car rental company having the title of Supplier; to the Supplier. Any interest and support that GOGOCAR gives to CUSTOMER at this stage is solely for the purpose of customer satisfaction and will not imply any

responsibility.Within the scope of the Car Rental Agreement to be concluded between CUSTOMER and Supplier, accident in relation to leased vehicles, defective vehicle, traffic fines, connection of the vehicle, material and physical damages to third parties, the vehicle is not in the specified qualifications, failure of the vehicle to be delivered to the Customer and/or return the vehicle to the Supplier and so on GOGOCAR has no party adjective in terms of disputes that may arise from 'vehicle' and 'car rental agreement' with regard to disputes with them.


CUSTOMER accepts, declares and undertakes that as a result of such legal disputes there is no claim and litigation rights against GOGOCAR and GOGOCAR is not a legal addressee.

In any disputes that may arise, the CUSTOMER agrees that GOGOCAR's documents, records, books and all kinds of information, writing and records in computer and internet environment shall constitute sole, exclusive and conclusive evidence and shall be binding, and that this article is an evidence agreement under Article HMK.193.

In the event that any provision of this Agreement is deemed invalid for any reason or does not remain enforceable, the other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in force.

GOGOCAR's failure to exercise or delay in exercising any rights or rights it possesses under the Contract Throne does not imply a waiver of that right or right, or in part, the exercise of a right or right alone or in part does not preclude the subsequent exercise of that or any other right or right. A waiver of any condition, clause or provision of this Agreement shall not constitute, or shall not be construed as such, imply a later or continuous waiver of that condition, clause or provision.

Article- 5 Protection and Privacy of Personal

Data The parties process, store the personal data obtained by this agreement in accordance with the provisions of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data in respect of personal data in accordance with the law or for legitimate purposes in accordance with the law and (or) publicly dispose of and (or) publicly for legitimate purposes in accordance with the legislation and the Policy established by GOGOCAR promotes.

GOGOCAR's sharing of information such as user, additional driver, credit card, etc. with the Supplier, 3rd persons and organizations in accordance with the law cannot be considered a breach of privacy. CUSTOMER accepts this authority of GOGOCAR in advance.

GOGOCAR may collect and process this information in a database of demographic information and site usage information completed by CUSTOMER's identity, driver's license, address, communication, IP, explicit consent for all legal purposes, including but not limited to conducting user profile and market research, creating sales and site usage statistics. GOGOCAR is authorized to share the information about the CLIENT with the insurance company and bank related to the services provided on the site with third party/institutions as it may need. In addition,

GOGOCAR may share this information with third party/institutions for the purpose of complying with the requirements imposed by law, or if requested in respect of investigations or investigations carried out by the competent judicial or administrative authority, or for the purpose of protecting the rights and security of users within the framework of the

Customer's Personal Data Protection legislation; learning whether personal data is processed, processed to request information about it; the purpose of processing and whether it is used by us in accordance with these purposes learning, learning third parties to whom it is transferred domestically or abroad; request correction in case of incomplete or incorrect processing; request deletion or destruction or anonymization if the reasons requiring processing disappear; requesting that these be reported to third parties to whom the data is transferred; in these cases or corrections, request that the data be transmitted exclusively through automated systems to object to this situation if it is considered that a result has arisen against the CUSTOMER by analyzing it; they have the right to claim the remedy of such damage in case of damage caused by its violation of processing.

Article 6- Termination and Cancellation of Membership

In the event that CUSTOMER acts in partial or complete violation of any or all of its obligations arising out of this agreement, GOGOCAR may terminate the membership of CUSTOMER by terminating this agreement unilaterally without any notification and without justification and receiving the CLIENT receives from the site services that are or will receive can be partially or completely frozen or can cancel. Therefore, in case of termination, CUSTOMER can not claim any rights and claims from GOGOCARCUSTOMER cannot object to this matter.


GOGOCAR is authorized to terminate this contract unilaterally, without giving any reason and without the need for any notice, to cancel CUSTOMER's membership and to partially or completely freeze or completely revoke the services that CUSTOMER receives, receives or receives from the site. In this case, CUSTOMER may not claim any rights, receivables, loss of profits, damages compensation or otherwise any payment under a name and title from GOGOCAR by suggesting an unfair, unreasonable, unreasonable, unreasonable, inclined and untimely termination, treatment of good faith or other cause and excuse.

“Force Majeure” situations that cannot be avoided, except for reasonable control of the interested party and despite due diligence, including but not limited to natural disasters, riots, war, strikes, communication problems, technical problems, infrastructure and internet failures, power outages and bad weather conditions; GOGOCAR, work has the right to perform late or incomplete, or not to perform at all, any of its obligations established by this contract. For the duration of this Force Majeure, GOGOCAR's obligations are suspended. In these and such cases, GOGOCAR will not be delayed, incomplete or non-perform, or default. For these cases, GOGOCAR cannot claim any compensation whatsoever under the name. If force majeure lasts more than 7 (seven) days, GOGOCAR is authorized to terminate this contract without compensation and unilaterally, if it wished, without any notice.

The work was concluded electronically between the parties as 1 (one) copy on the website membership agreement consisting of these 6 articles.


  • Address
  • FSM Mah. Poligon Cad. Buyaka 2 No:8/54 Tower-1 Floor:14, Umraniye/Istanbul

  • Telephone 0 216 606 11 99

  • E-Mail [email protected]

  • Cap Address [email protected]

  • Tax Administration / Tax Number Alemdağ / 3961348895

  • Mersis Number 0396134889500001


  • First Name Undeclared

  • Last Name Undeclared

  • Identification number Undeclared

  • E-mail Address Undeclared

  • Telephone Number Undeclared